
This was the dance of the Wind Goddess is fanfiction written for Revue Starlight Re:LIVE, and is currently hosted on AO3. I decided that, since it was done and a long story and everything, I might as well play around with creating some styles and animations for it and host it on its own site.

So here we are. If you want a traditional reading experience, the AO3 version will be better for that. I'd like to think that the backgrounds and animations in this version add to the mood, but they may not be to your preference (and aren't terribly accessible). There are no prose differences between the two versions.

The story and the site are both written by Amorphous.


This website is built with Wanderer, and uses Recital as the authoring language. Neither of these technologies were built for use by the general public, so documentation on them is rather poor.

There were also a collection of resources used to create some of the layouts and effects on the site, listed here:

In general, I gained a lot of knowledge from the FreeFrontend samples, and CSS Tricks.

Other Attributions

Forest photographs by Sebastian Unrau and Pixabay.

Rose icon made by Freepik and found on Flaticon.